Tag Archives: books

A book with heart

I know I normally blog about books on Thursday, but I read this one on my trip (which was fantastic by the way.. more about that later), and I couldn’t help but post about this book now. Not to mention I’m part of the bloggy tour for this book (I’m thrilled to be!)

If you have a heart for missions, this is a book you’ll not only appreciate but want to support.

Wiser than Serpents by Susan May Warren

For those who have been reading my blog for a year or more now, will know I have a heart for the Ukraine and Russia. I deeply feel there is a need to reach out to these children who have been left to fend for themselves and that the orphanages are under supported and over-filled. I pray for them, and hope some day that we can visit and maybe bring a teen home with us, or my ultimate goal – God willing is to help teach them a work trade and live and learn how to function with a love -for God to use the 160 in this way…… So this book gripped my heart the fact that it was placed in Russia and deals with human trafficking. From my reading about the Ukraine alone that there are over a 100,000 children in the orphanages now and less than 6% graduate high school. Most end up in the sex trade industry (some even trafficked from their orphanages) and a lot of others go directly to jail because they can’t fend for themselves. I cry for those young children, especially the teenagers who don’t feel they have any alternatives. (I get a little choked up just writing about it)

I’m so glad Susan has taken the time to bring this to our attention in a way we can understand!

So about this book– I’m sure for those who have read Susan’s work before know how great it is! This book is a thriller! I loveeeeeeeeeeee thrillers. I love the excitement and the frustration in this book. I love that I can feel for the characters and that it brings some real issues to light/life. I also love the fact that God is ever presence in this book and that the characters have to rely on Him. It pulls him into the here and now.

Susan’s writing is easy to read. I think I read this book in about a day and half b/c I couldn’t put it down! Similar to my post on Whispers of the Bayou, this is another one that I’ll be searching for more of her books as she’s captured me with her amazing details and imagery in her novel.

Here’s a little capture on the story:

Her sister had vanished, trapped in a human slavery ring. To find her, FSB agent Yanna Andrevka arranged her own kidnapping into Taiwan’s sex-trafficking trade. And found herself with no way out.

Until Yanna discovered an ally deep undercover: Delta Force captain David Curtiss. He was after the kingpin of the Twin Serpents, the organized crime syndicate that had Yanna—and hundreds of others—in their clutches.

With opposite agendas, David and Yanna had to rely on each other to outwit their cold-blooded enemy.

Reason’s why you’ll want to buy this book!

  1. It’s an excellent read! I’m going to go search for the first 2 books from the series (I don’t think they have to be read in order)
  2. 15% of the royalties will go to helping out http://www.ijm.org which helps fight slavery and human trafficking.

Did I mention how much I love yummy books to read in the summer? lol

If you want to know what others think about this book, check out Susan’s bloggy tour schedule below:

Or visit Susan’s blog: http://susanmaywarren.typepad.com/scribbles/2008/06/wiser-than-serp.html

(and see if you can win the series!!! on second thought if you don’t, I’ll have a better chance! hahaha)


Mary at Home Steeped Hope http://homesteepedhope.com/

Sunny at Life in the Estrogen Ocean http://estrogen-ocean.blogspot.com/

Stacey at Jamie Forever http://jameeforever.blogspot.com

Melody at Kids, Cakes, Dishes, Laundry…In That Order http://www.kidscakesdisheslaundry.blogspot.com

Brittanie at A Book Lover Forever http://abookloverforever.blogspot.com/


Georgiana at Viva Inspirational Chick Lit http://georgianad.blogspot.com

Tasra at Real Women Scrap http://www.realwomenscrap.typepad.com/

Margaret at Cappuccino Life http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/cappuccinosmom/profile/

Melanie at Melanie Writes http://www.melaniewrites.blogspot.com/

AnnMarie at More Than Just A Mom http://afriedrick.blogspot.com


Leticia at My Daily Trek http://leticiasworld.blogspot.com/

Jill at Christian Work At Home Moms http://blog.cwahm.com

Laura at Lighthouse Academy http://lighthouse-academy.blogspot.com/

Michelle at Edgy Inspirational Author http://www.edgyinspirationalauthor.blogspot.com

Ronie at Supernatural Craving http://www.supernaturalcraving.blogspot.com


Deborah at Books, Movies, Chinese Food http://books-movies-chinesefood.blogspot.com/

Christy at Christy’s Book Blog http://christysbookblog.blogspot.com/

Kate at A Simple Walk http://asimplewalk.blogspot.com/

Dineen at Kittens Come From Eggs http://dineenmiller.blogspot.com

Joy at Five J’s http://fivejs.wordpress.com

Beth at The Writing Road http://thewritingroad.blogspot.com/


Reel at Reels Reviewz http://www.relzreviewz.blogspot.com

Angela at All that Naz http://allthatnaz.blogspot.com/

Jill Elizabeth at Artistic Blogger http://www.jillelizabethnelson.com

Deena at A Peek at My Bookshelf http://deenasbooks.blogspot.com

Cara at Cara’s Musings http://carasmusings.blogspot.com/


Amy at My Friend Amy http://www.myfriendamysblog.com

Lynetta at Open Book http://www.lynetta.blogspot.com

Betsy at Writer At Large http://www.betsy-ann.blogspot.com

Susan at His Reading List http://hisreadinglist.blogspot.com/

Chris at Come to the Table http://www.cometothetable.blogspot.com

Jamie at Surviving the Chaos http://www.survivingthechaos.blogspot.com

Need energy?

I’m a busy woman. I know most of you are (even if I blog too much sometimes he he) I want to make my workouts fast and doable with the best results b/c I don’t have time to do much more than that…. after all it would conflict with my blogging, my children, my work, my housework and everything else in between. When I was a non-mom I had a lot of time to go to the gym and could do 2 hour work outs or runs w/o worrying about babysitters, diapers, and if I had enough sleep to function…. so why am I talking about this? Well, there is a really great book out right now called:

The Busy Woman’s Guide to Total Fitness Strengthen Your Body and Spirit in 20 Minutes a Day by Laurette Willis

Okay the thing I love about this book is Laurette puts God so much into this, you really feel like you’re doing more than just working out! You’re getting personal time with God!

I also want to talk about something that I think is fantastic! It’s called Praise Moves! For someone like myself, who has a problem with the meanings behind yoga, praise moves is something that is a fantastic creation!!! It’s a Christian alternative to yoga. It’s basically using scripture with the experience instead of non-christian meditation. It really is a fantastic alternative. Like I already said, it’s getting your exercise and getting time with God when I normally wouldn’t be concentrating on HIS word!

The other great parts about this book is that Laurette provides a lot of information that even well knowledged fitness geeks can enjoy, and newbies can glean some great information from! It comes complete with pictures!

a quote I like from the book that really made me think was this:

Busy Woman’s Quick Tip

If you battle the temptation to eat when your body isn’t hungry, here’s something that’s worked for a lot of people.  Decide that the “I have to eat something” signal means “I’m going to exercise now” or “I’ll see if the kids want to play a board game” or “I’m going to call, write to, or wivist someone.”

Are you tempted to eat when you are avoiding doing something?  I sure am.  Ask yourself , “What am I trying to avoid doing?”   And than choose to do it.  You don’t have to a slave to temptation!”

This book is jammed packed with great stuff! If you’re into fitness, you will find this book a fun and energizing challenge!!!  And if you’re not into it, this book may encourage your walk towards a healthier, and godlier life as well!

God Bless!


Chick Lit anyone?

ahhh sometimes I enjoy light reading. Don’t you? I mean one of those books you can read like you’re watching tv? The latest book I have been into has been

Moon Over Tokyo by Siri L. Mitchell

This book was yummy. It gave you culture and fun combined into one! Not to mention a little romance without getting trashy.

The story is about a young woman who moved to Tokyo to get away from life and become a reporter. As her friend moves back home she prays for someone else to be her friend. You can guess what happens from there… she gets a friend of course, but not one she was expecting!

I think you can relate to the main character Allie well, and it’s interesting to meet her friends/nemisis and her opinions about the others and her life in general. I think it’s the “mind” struggles so many of face.

Anyhow, like I said it is a nice Chick lit book that would be great for say reading at the beach, or just to take a breather and lose yourself in another culture! I will be searching out more Siri Mitchell books I think! The extremely neat thing is if you visit Siri’s website: http://www.sirimitchell.com/allie’s_japan.htm you can see pictures of the places she was talking about in the book! How cool is that?? It really throws things into perspective!

This is part of my SRT! Check out others by clicking the link above!

Five Sacred Crossings

Five Sacred Crossings – A Novel Approach to a reasonable faith

By Craig J. Hazen

Had I not a copy of this book and knew it was Christian, I probably wouldn’t have picked it up. I would have thought it was a new age book… I would not have guessed the mystery and wealth of information that lay between it’s pages… I wouldn’t have guessed that it was well worth the investment of a few dollars to read it!

So, what is the Five Sacred Crossings? It’s a new style of Christian fiction.. or at least new to me -> Christian apologetic Fiction. I was shocked when I started reading it that I was devouring it so fast! I wished my University professors were as interesting in their script of religion as Micheal, the professor was in here. I wish someone would have given me this book when I was trying to figure out how to defend my faith. While it is a fictitious story it contains compelling arguments to bigger questions that I think most of us have faced at one point in our Christian walk against someone who wants to “fight”. The method it uses to bring these questions to light are easier to understand, and the use of fiction helps the story stick in my head. I’m excited to see what else Harvest House has in store with their new Conversant Life series.

As Mr.Hazen writes in this opening “I hope the story will be compelling enough to entice readers to consider some thoughtful answers to real religious questions–readers who may never read an apologetics textbook…” You definitely don’t have to be a Christian to read this, in fact I would give this book to any of my non-Christian friends because it is non-threatening, as it is “just fiction”.

It is a book that will make you think.

A bit about the actual book:

Professor Michael Jernigan is a teacher called in last minute to sub for his colleague in a religious studies class. He introduces “The Five Crossings”. A sacred book he picked up in his past adventures. The tribe he received it from had views of religion and how to test it. It brings some basic questions that I think everyone should consider before they belong to any religious group, and that if you are actually reasonablely objective you’ll have the conclusion you knew all along (I think anyhow).

It discusses on whether it is testable, what religions cost, if it matches reality, and other topics. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much information Mr. Hazen provides on these topics.

While the challenges in the classroom, and the discussion flows, there is a back story that is just as interesting in which terrorism and life are happening around them. In short, without ruining the ending of the book, Michael ultimately gets to give the greatest example of “The Five Crossings”. Okay, to put it this way, I was touched and actually cried… and I rarely ever cry when I read a book. The ending was such a shocker for me! (hehe, does that make you want to read it?)

I think my favorite quote from this book would be “Have you emptied your cups?” It will have me saying this as I take look into my Bible and other readings; am I going in with my perceived notion of people and God’s word, or have I come to learn? I loved on page 110 where the discussion covers people such as Oprah, or the author of “the Secret” who reject the realities of life and try and pretend they are the center of the universe….

No matter which way you read this book — as straight fiction, or fiction laced with truth, you’ll be touched!

** Can I add, a week later, I’m still in awe of this book… I’m thinking one of my all time favorites!


This was part of my spring reading thing, click on the graphic to read other reviews:

SRT – A Wolf Story

I love reading, don’t you? I always find it especially fun, when there is more than just writing occurring, …some of God hidden in the words.

A Wolf StoryA Novel of Savage Conflict and Desperate Faith by James Byron Huggins

If you like Narnia! This a book for you! It’s fast paced, fast action between the rise and fall of good and evil! You’ll be at the edge of your seat, and you won’t be able to put it down!

I thought this was a the first time I’ve read a book by Huggins, but realizing I’ve read one of his earlier books called the Reckoning, which I loved! Both are worth your time and if you’re ready for the energy these books bring, you’ll be thrilled!

A Wolf Story is an allegory , similar to the style of Chronicles of Narnia. I love the fact that it is so packed with adventure and faith. I think it is a crowd please for both the seekers and the adventurers. It talks about honour, courage, and faith. It encourages young people (Aramus in this story), to do the right thing, even if it hurts. I love that through the use of animals and the growth of the characters that happen in this novel. It shows that even though people are so different, we still can find common ground through our faith. It holds so much power and action in the book, you truly will be at the edge of your seat as you turn each page! I think I finished the book in about a day and a half because it was so exhilarating!

It is magic! It is adventurous!  It is the ultimate fight between good and evil!  It’s main stage is in the forest and deals with how the animals of “the lightmaker” stay their course through the challenges of their life!  Children and adults will enjoy this book. I would love to see this book in movie form! It will be be a classic on our book self for sure! Dare I say it will be on the list for a few of my nephews this Christmas! Mr. C is buckling down to tackle this book too!

A Wolf’s story is part of my Spring Reading Thing:

Click on the image to see others!

02-Breathing New Life into Faith

I was really excited when I received an advance reading copy of O2 Breathing New Life into Faith by Richard Dahlstrom

I must admit, reading “heavy duty- extra spiritual books” (Yes, you can laugh at that), are hard for my mommy brain. I don’t get enough time to inhale most details, never mind read something that actually requires my attention! I often leave those books last on my list, skim them, or let Mr. C read them first and he gives me a brief overview of them.

I COULDN’T DO THAT WITH THIS BOOK. It really grabbed my attention.

Mr. Dalhstrom grabs my attention from the get-go of the forward with his words “Does our culture have a hard time with marriage? The church does too.” He goes onto to describe, or rather question why anyone would actually want to go to church and what differentiates “people of faith” from “the world”… and admits, not much these days. I was actually taken aback through the first few pages of the book… it was some hard stuff to swallow.. and honestly, Mr. C and I debated a lot of what the book was saying. But as you read further on the book you realize that Mr. Dalhstrom is giving you the information.. the sides… the vital information that helps mold us and teach us. He goes further to explain that if we really are the body of Christ we have to stop chewing off our arms and work together…. now this is where Mr. C and I really debated a lot on… after all we have to get down to the actualities of whose who, etc… So thank-you Mr. Dalhstrom for giving us a great conversation that night! *W*

The book is basically divided into 3 parts;

  1. inhaling – those who take in the word, and care about learning it,
    • How to make sure we’re on the right page by knowing the “game plan”
  2. exhaling – those who do the work, but inhale the “Word” not much.
  3. and integration. – combining the two!

I loved this! It really helped me understand where I fit in, and what I was over-compensating on. What I over-look on occasions, as well how much I’m on track.

I wrote a lot on the margins in this book because it brought up a lot of questions for me, like whether our church is caught up in church membership for those who want to help, or if allowing people to help before they are ready, really increases their faith? Does it matter if they are representing our church, or Christ if they aren’t Christians and we’ve invited them to partake with us group projects? For those of us who were cast aside (because we had fallen at some point in our faith) not participating was like a slow death and frustration to no end. I know that from being part of that group. I love the words he uses here (pg 33) “Being asked to play rather than sit was just the wooing I needed. The rediscover of Christ as a source of hope and healing begin with exhaling for me..”

He breaks down the need to exhale, and the need to inhale in a lot of detail. How we must realize the real journey is continual instead of just reaching a destination; how we learn things on the way that will change us and encourage us in our walk. That through the disruptions and challenges we face may be “unpleasant in the moment but making us healthier for the long haul, better able to live the life for which we were created.” (pg 61). That really hit home for me — There are certain things in my life that were nasty, but because we have persevered through them, I am a better follower of Christ because of them. Does this mean I’m done? No, but I have a little more understanding.

Mr. Dalhstrom relates our relationship with Christ as a marriage and how we need that intimacy with Him to sustain and keep our relationship alive. At first when he was starting using the words for this, I was a little uncomfortable, but the truth of the matter is, is that is exactly what we need to hear –God love and wooing for us, the intimate wishes he has for our relationship with him, the covenant relationship that God requires of us and that he truly cares about our choices in life. I was awed and changed by the concept. I mean I’ve heard it before, but not put in such a way that I felt romanced by God, kwim?

Throughout the book Mr. Dalhstrom laces Jesus’ examples of his life and message. ie. How Jesus serves humanity and how he delighted serving people whom everyone else thought was not worth the time.

I think one of the best things I took away from this book was this quote. “There’s more than one way of living in this world, and the way you play the game will be determined by the rules you choose and by your definition of winning”. (pg 87)

This book really made me think of how much of Jesus is embodied in me, or am I more like a pharasiee and worried about the “rules”. Growing up in a mixure of rules and not so much of a physical role-model of Christ, it’s something I struggle with for years. I love the concept of exhaling — doing, but sometimes get so caught up on the details I never get anywhere. It was extremely refreshing to find this issue being addressed in this book and some ways of dealing with it.

Surprisingly I found a large section of this book devoted to hospitality, and it as an act of worship. Something I had never thought of a lot. I mean a little bit sure, but that there is more to it than passing out a few cookies here and there, and how I need an attitude adjustment on this subject.

Another interesting topic Mr. Dalhstrom covers is living generously! Whether it be from the “green” movement that’s going hard these days, or out of the will just to do good, it was interesting and very relevant to read how our economic choices have hidden costs and that we need to think about these. I think the big questions it covers is: How do I define my life? By what I consume? or what I give? and do we rely on the resources that God provides for us?

I could go on and on about the topics covered in this book. It really was helpful and I am feeling inspired and challenged in what I do with my life. It’s the intentional living that I need to learn to strive for regardless if I feel up to it, for that day or not.

So, I will say this is a MUST read of 2008. As someone who struggles with where I fit into the scheme of life and Christianity, it really did help breath new life into my faith! If you want to buy one book this year to improve your walk with God I strongly encourage you to pick this up and read ALL THE WAY THROUGH IT. Dont’ stop at the first part (because yes, it’s frustrating to read unless you see the whole picture…) ..

Now I’m handing my copy to Mr. C and we’re going to battle the rest of the discussion out!!


This is part of my:

don’t forget to click on it to see other’s lists!!!

God has a plan

While I really wanted to write a post today about the new book I’m reading!

O2: Breathing New Life Into Faith by Richard Dahlstrom , but I didn’t quite finish it yet, so you’ll have to wait to next week to read my review! All I can say it’s amazing! But that’s all i’m going to say! I don’t want to give it away until than. Next week you’ll hear more!

So new books! What are you reading? What are you reading to your children?….

Read more over at the PMS Club

Hot off the presses

Okay I’m thrilled. It’s finally done.

My new book is hot off the presses at Blurb! Take a sneak peek and place your order if you’re so inclined…

It’s a book release, and you’re invited — come check out my new book at Blurb:

I know some of you are thinking, no big deal. It is for me. I’ve spent a long time putting this together. I’m thrilled with the result and happy that it’s done (so I can work on the next book! lol)

The Ultimate Tea Diet


I just finished going thru the Ultimate Tea Diet.

I’m posting a review for it on the PMS club in February about it. It’s a really neat book. I’m actually impressed with it. We’ll see how it goes in a few days here with the whole losing weight thing.

so week 1 – coffee craving reduced, feeling fuller, feeling even keeled.

I’ll be posting next week to see if there is a difference. I’m going on an 8 week trial of this! Wish me luck!


Continue reading