Marriage Monday

1st Monday Every Month at Chrysalis

I missed the last marriage monday!  So I didn’t want to miss this months MM!   This month is an open topic about marriage, so I’ll share a little about what’s on my heart lately.

Having a healthy Christian marriage is no easy task.

Being married isn’t easy on the best of days.  There is always someone else you have to look out for — throw in a few children, some rowdy extra family members and few pets and you’ve got basic marriage.  But how do we do it well, and how do you do it as a Christian?

Well, first and for most is having Christ in your marriage.  Taking your issues big and small to HIM.  Teaching your children to pray, and praying together as a couple and as family are so important.

Right now my goals in our marriage is working on goals.  (isn’t that a paradox? lol) Since Mr. C and I moved out here last year, it’s been a year of change.  Mr. C is back in his home territory (next to his parents) while I’m out of my element learning to be a farm girl.

Mr. C and I are alike in a lot of ways, but we are almost polar opposites in some things.  He’s consistent – I’m sporadic.  He’s blond – I’m a brunette.  When he’s quiet I’m outgoing, and when I’m outgoing, he’s quiet.. I think we complement each other for the most part; but we do butt heads a lot while trying to work on things. We are working on trying to figure out our goals.. more for me because being a mother I sometimes feel like I don’t know who I am anymore.

As you might have read in my review above I touched briefly on my heart for the Ukraine/Russia.  I really feel like we – as a family are suppose to do something with that.  We struggle with where God wants to use us regarding it.  If ministry – on a large scale is something our family needs to be involved in, or are we suppose to focus on just being us… while we are growing little people into productive and hopefully children of Christ (which is a ministry of it’s own, just on a different scale).  I also wonder if my photography is part of that dream/goal, or if it should just be left as a hobby.

I guess I know God knows the big picture.  He knows were he wants us.  Some days I know I don’t listen as well as I should.  And sometimes when we slack off in our marriage and don’t work towards God’s goals instead of just trying to get by, we don’t feel very much like loving each other well.  It’s easy to say “I love you” to each other, but our actions don’t always say it.  If we’re not following what Christ has designed for our marriage (even if we don’t like it somedays) we don’t work well -function properly.  There are many times when we could have walked out on each other, but we haven’t for one reason.  We are committed to Christ and his design for us in our marriage.

I hope that you are committed to Christ and his design for your marriage as well.  I pray that God will bless your marriage and that you will invite him into it fully and acknowledge that He is in control of it.  No matter how much each of us differs from our spouses, God has a plan and design for us in our marriage, and he wants it to thrive!

11 responses to “Marriage Monday

  1. miriampauline

    What a great post! I am so glad that God sees the big picture. Trusting in His design for marriage is sometimes the only stability we can see. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is excellent! AMEN…trusting in Christ and His design for marriage is what my hubby and I try to do…sometimes it is tougher than at other times….but we keep pressing on!
    May the Lord bless you this week!

  3. That is so true girl!
    Thanks for sharing your perspective.
    Much love,

  4. How honest and oh so true! I like the line “No matter how much each of us differs from our spouses, God has a plan and design for us in our marriage, and he wants it to thrive!” God definitely does have a plan and He, the designer of marriages, does want it to thrive. That’s why we should daily give ourselves and our marriages to Him and follow His order, mandates, commands, etc. on how to walk this thing out. Done His way, it will thrive. May we have newness and freshness in our marriages everyday, and the will to look for those two things, even when we don’t feel like it. May we also though, be able to be transparent like you have been here, so that we can love on, admonish, and strengthen each other. Thank you for this very “real” post.

  5. What a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing this truth and insight!

  6. Hey Amy,

    This was excellent. I think we were on the same wave length when we posted today…

    I did not know you had a passion for Russia! Oh my.

    My husband and I have been on 3 trips there planting churches in places the gospel had never been heard.


    I love the Russian people and continue to support the works we help to start.


  7. Hi, Amy. This is a great post and a great reminder that we must all work with our spouse and with GOD to have that great marriage that God intended. Many times as we get caught up in our daily lives it is so hard. But, in the end it is so worth it!

    Have a great week!

  8. You are full of wisdom! And you work hard to make your marriage all it can be. Bless you.

    Someone once said it’s our similarities that draw us together, and our differences keep us together. So I say, vive la difference!

    When we’re under stress, I am linear/rational and my husband is global. Apparently, God put us together so that both our strengths are available for problem-solving. Yes, two are better than one…

    Thanks for participating in Marriage Monday today, Amydeanne :~D

  9. I really love your post. Marriage isn’t easy at times. However, if you allow God to lead you and give you strength when the going gets tough and the tough gets going, then you will be able to endure and perservere your marriage and not give up so easily.

    Once again…..Great post!!

  10. Amy, I’d love to be your neighbor (though I guess where you are that’d be 160 acres away :)! Your sincere heart of love for the Lord and your transparency as a human is so winsome!!!

    I pray and trust that the Lord will guide you and your husband in heavenly wisdom regarding the things you mentioned….and I LOVE (no surprise) your picture! Can I put it in my sidebar 🙂 ?

    thanks a million for just being you lovin’ Jesus!

  11. This is so true. Keeping God first is the key.

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