It’s HERE!!!!

Mr. C had to go and do a bit of snow shoveling, which I might add, needs to be redone as we’ve had a lot of fluffy white stuff here lately.

This was our interesting view @ 5 pm tonight. They were trying to figure out how to angle the house around the fences.

We had to drive around the grid.. first one way, but was snowed in (as we’re in the neon), and than back around the other side of the road (3 miles, each direction???) to finally get to the other side of the house.

It was kind of scary to watch this part, as the slid the house over to move it straighter to fit through the gate. It worked well though.

We left Mr C’s parents house @ around 8pm and they were still moving the house around the corner, but tomorrow they will be lifting it off the crane and onto the basement!

I can’t believe it’s finally here!

btw, Happy Birthday Uncle Marty!!!

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