Tag Archives: praise moves

Need energy?

I’m a busy woman. I know most of you are (even if I blog too much sometimes he he) I want to make my workouts fast and doable with the best results b/c I don’t have time to do much more than that…. after all it would conflict with my blogging, my children, my work, my housework and everything else in between. When I was a non-mom I had a lot of time to go to the gym and could do 2 hour work outs or runs w/o worrying about babysitters, diapers, and if I had enough sleep to function…. so why am I talking about this? Well, there is a really great book out right now called:

The Busy Woman’s Guide to Total Fitness Strengthen Your Body and Spirit in 20 Minutes a Day by Laurette Willis

Okay the thing I love about this book is Laurette puts God so much into this, you really feel like you’re doing more than just working out! You’re getting personal time with God!

I also want to talk about something that I think is fantastic! It’s called Praise Moves! For someone like myself, who has a problem with the meanings behind yoga, praise moves is something that is a fantastic creation!!! It’s a Christian alternative to yoga. It’s basically using scripture with the experience instead of non-christian meditation. It really is a fantastic alternative. Like I already said, it’s getting your exercise and getting time with God when I normally wouldn’t be concentrating on HIS word!

The other great parts about this book is that Laurette provides a lot of information that even well knowledged fitness geeks can enjoy, and newbies can glean some great information from! It comes complete with pictures!

a quote I like from the book that really made me think was this:

Busy Woman’s Quick Tip

If you battle the temptation to eat when your body isn’t hungry, here’s something that’s worked for a lot of people.  Decide that the “I have to eat something” signal means “I’m going to exercise now” or “I’ll see if the kids want to play a board game” or “I’m going to call, write to, or wivist someone.”

Are you tempted to eat when you are avoiding doing something?  I sure am.  Ask yourself , “What am I trying to avoid doing?”   And than choose to do it.  You don’t have to a slave to temptation!”

This book is jammed packed with great stuff! If you’re into fitness, you will find this book a fun and energizing challenge!!!  And if you’re not into it, this book may encourage your walk towards a healthier, and godlier life as well!

God Bless!
